While Georgia is becoming very popular as a summer destination owing to its hiking trails, it’s also a destination that shouldn’t be missed in the wintertime to experience excellent ski resorts, awe-inspiring mountains, and hearty food.

While Georgia is becoming very popular as a summer destination owing to its hiking trails, it’s also a destination that shouldn’t be missed in the wintertime to experience excellent ski resorts, awe-inspiring mountains, and hearty food.
It won’t be long before the secret is out about Georgia and this beautiful country experiences a tourism boom.
You may not have heard of Georgia – and we’re talking the country – not the USA state – so here’s a quick geography lesson.
Georgia is bordered by Turkey to the west, Russia to the north, Azerbaijan to the east and Armenia to the south. It’s considered a transcontinental country as it straddles both Asia and Europe. It was once past of the Soviet Union – but these days it feels more European than Soviet, and doesn’t feel anything like Asia.