If you’re seeking beautiful mountains, beaches, secluded canyons, hilltop castles and cobblestoned old towns, then your next trip should be to Albania.

If you’re seeking beautiful mountains, beaches, secluded canyons, hilltop castles and cobblestoned old towns, then your next trip should be to Albania.
It won’t be long before the secret is out about Georgia and this beautiful country experiences a tourism boom.
You may not have heard of Georgia – and we’re talking the country – not the USA state – so here’s a quick geography lesson.
Georgia is bordered by Turkey to the west, Russia to the north, Azerbaijan to the east and Armenia to the south. It’s considered a transcontinental country as it straddles both Asia and Europe. It was once past of the Soviet Union – but these days it feels more European than Soviet, and doesn’t feel anything like Asia.
The capital city of Serbia may just be Eastern Europe's best kept secret. Find out what I loved about Belgrade.
Find out what's it like to visit the Ukrainian town of Pripyat - one of the towns abandoned after the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant disaster.